A minor refresh to KLM-Clan.com!
The forum has not been used for a couple of years and thus has been suspended.
If you’re feeling nostalgic and wish to access the forum, you can get in touch with us through telegram by
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K2LAM is a combination of KLM and 2A, and represents the merger of our public servers. A few months back (March 2015), The 2A and KLM administration teams decided on merging their public servers, in an effort to keep our beloved countdown alive. The merger seems to be a success so far! The K2LAM server is set to switch mods and host name at 06:00 in the morning, on a daily basis, while sharing the same IP ( The server is cheat-protected by MoHAAS.net, and not to mention the efforts of our members, that are striving to keep the server clean. Both clans are still independent when it comes to recruiting, forums, etc. The K2LAM is only about the public server.
system has been completely overhauled. Please read the updated version of our
recruitment system by
Welcome to the new website. This webpage is self-created and designed to run smoothly, with the least resource usage. Less costs + more efficiency = A step further. - From an engineer's perspective.
Although it has always been secure to browse our forums, we decided it is time to
maximize our security, since it's possible to do so. We have certified our website with an SSL certificate
from a trusted authority. From now on, you will be automatically redirected to
a secure connection to our forum; that means your IPs and passwords are guaranteed to be secure to travel over the internet.