=K(L)M= Popular Downloads
Medal of Honor Warchest
Free patched version of the game (Version 21/12/2016 allied assault,spearhead,breakthrough) Click the image below to download.

Since gamespy is down , the serverbrowser isnt working anymore. Here is the fix!
Checks the map if its available and downloads if its missing. TO BE USED TOGETHER WITH KLM CUSTOM MAP PACK!!
The Uber KLM Custom Maps pack. (Version 21/12/2016)
Assembled by WhiteLightning and set to run our mostly used gametypes; Countdown and FreezeTag. Click WhiteLightning's avatar below to download. PUT IN MAIN

cry, shout , scream and above all laugh with us online #1 voice application (Click the image to go to their website

Click here for instructions.
Stalingrad map fix
Do you get kicked out when stalingrad is running on our server? Download the .pk3 file below, and place it in your MOHAA/main folder. Click the image below to download.

INTEL Video Card FIX
Do you have a Intel video card and the game is not working for you ?? here is the fix!! read the readme.txt for instructions

MoHAAS.net app
Do you get kicked out of the server by mohaas? You're a loved one. No seriously, there's nothing wrong with that. All KLM and 2A members have been forced to use the tool as well. Download the mohaas tool by clicking the image below.

Popular Xmass mohaas maps
The two most poplular snowy mohaa maps (Redone created by Bobzilla in 2006, Krugerland by Herr_kruger in 2008). Click the images to download.

=K(L)M= Clan Desert
In order to download this map, you need to be a KLM member. If you're a KLM member, please login to the forum first, then click the image below to download. Otherwise, you may contact a member of the KLM administration team, an exception can be made for you.

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